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Share your story

Share your story here on how internet access, social media, and/or Generative AI has affected your life, good or bad. We want to share real world stories on how smartphones have impacted you, your family, your friends and relatives. We want to hear how you've tried to limit smartphones for children especially. What worked, what failed, what problems were created, what problems were solved. Whether you agree or disagree, share your story here to let others know they are not alone. By posting a comment, you agree to be respectful and honest.

Comments (17)

Aug 17

I believe in today’s society and once a child is working having a cell phone is an asset. That being said I also have seen how cell phones with data have became an addiction for most children who have access to them. They are stealing the childhoods of our children. Instead of doing kids are watching other kid doing. Instead of interacting they are becoming anti social and withdrawn. Not even having the ability to reach out to their friends to hang out, I am talking in the teen years. I see so many parents use technology as a babysitter for their kids instead of interacting with them or encouraging them to play and learn and be kids. I am aware of emf harms to a developing brain and with we would not allow wifi where children under 7 are present. I do not think kids should be allowed cell phones in school. The list can go on and on! Legislation needs to be brought forward for this like they have done in European countries.

Aug 15

This is Wade

They are taking them out of the schools in Alberta this fall WOOHOO

Aug 15

My 13 year old has a smartphone but no social media only texting and calls. If she downloads any social media without our permission she knows we will take the phone away. Sha also understands the risks to mental health that phones can cause so she for the most part agrees with us. She is a confident kid, i am sure not having social media helps. The hard part is her friends. She feels like she is missing out.

Social media is so destructive for mental health - parents wouldn’t let their children smoke just because the child would feel like they were missing out if they didn’t smoke - why do they let their children have Snapchat/Instagram etc?

I would love to help reduce the grip these corporations have on our young people - I think a many pronged approach is probably needed; more options for phones without social media, banning smart phones in classrooms (as Eton school in UK has done), reducing the dependency on apps (for parking, transport, google classroom etc), government policies to protect our children and hold these companies accountable, and educating parents. If we can stop the few kids who do not have social media from feeling like outcasts then that would be a wonderful first step. Thank you!

Jun 23

I’ve worked in public schools for many years. From the pre-internet to just recently. Parents are giving their children devices mostly around the middle school ages. Many times parents are heard to say they want to be able to get a hold of kids at any time. We need to convince parents that they do not have to be afraid of their kids being “loose”. In “emergencies”, they can nearly always call the school, the church, the store, …. A part of what we are saying as parents when we say we always have to be in contact with them is that the world is a terribly scary place and that is a lesson in fear. This is related to anxiety.

There is a whole other aspect to cellphone use inside schools , especially in high school settings and that is distraction from learning. To learn complex ideas, it often takes a long time to observe, absorb and practice. Devices can help, but my experience is that for most of us, they are a distraction during classroom settings and prevent us from learning difficult things. That’s just one more aspect to consider.

Jun 24
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Good insight.

Jun 24
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Thank You.....This is Wade... I never thought about the "lesson in fear" perspective. I also have heard that some children, even with their devices turned off and tucked away, they are still mentally distracted due to the fact that they "think" there may be some type of communication they are missing out on.

If internet access on portable electronic devices for children became a law, as adults we would have to help the children champion through the withdrawal. In about 6 years or so, it would be the norm for children. I am not naive enough to believe that all the problems would end. I have not forgotten what it is like to be a child. Some children will find a way around it, some with the help of their parents.

I would like to stop the addiction for Canadian children, and we need help. Thanks for sharing your insights.

Jun 20

June 20th 2024---This is Wade someone shot my house with paintballs early this morning, around 2 or 3 AM. Probably because I park my Ridgeline wrapped with Smartphone Free Childhood on my front lawn. LOL!!! This must be gaining traction !!!

Jun 22
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Oh no! Must be teenagers that want to keep their phones.

Jun 20

How about just not buying them a smartphone?

Jun 20
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This is Wade---thats great until peer pressure builds up to a boiling point.

Jun 18

HELLO.... My name is Wade. I own this website. I am doing this for my grandchildren. Please share your story. I do NOT want your money or your personal information. Only an email so I can contact you when the time is right to send a petition to the Federal Government.

HHOORRRAAAYYY for Alberta passing some laws yesterday for phones and social media access in schools. It is a start, but does not go far enough in my opinion.

Jun 17

I want my children to be smartphone free but pressure from social circles is hard to resist. I'd love to hear some advice on how to keep smartphones away from my kids but without them or me losing friendships.

Jun 17
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I hear ya. I would love to eliminate internet access on portable electronic devices for children all together. MAYBE someday

Jun 17
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With family plans you as a parent you can limit online access to spacific devices (parents and known firends) or eliminate it all together or even set geo fences for internet were you can limit acsses in spacific rooms.

Jun 17

Keep up the good work!

Jun 17
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Jun 16

Thanks for setting up the site. This is an important issue to me!

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