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Privacy Policy

I have used the WIX website builder for this project, and purchased the premium package. Please read the following:

WIX is compliant and certified with the highest international privacy and security regulations, including Soc 2 Type 2, PCI DSS Level 1, several ISOs, GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD.

Your “CONTACT US” information is safe, and I will not give this information out. What I would like to do, if there is enough interest, is to eventually get a “legal” online petition that I can present to the powers that be in the Federal Government of Canada. I searched what is required to develop a legal online petition, but first I have to eat a dictionary and spend some time figuring it out, so if you would be so kind as to leave me at least your first name, and email address, I will update you on the numbers of folks who will be prepared when the time comes to realize an online petition. Thank You.

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