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Take Action
And Get Involved

I do not want your money, I only ask for 8.5 hours of your time AT YOUR LEISURE to do the following:

I believe by doing these three things, you will agree the time has come for CANADIAN ADULTS to act NOW!!!

"Social Media and the Teen Mental Health Crisis"

This is the "United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary" hearing testimony from a former online safety engineer of a major social media conglomerate who is "blowing the whistle" on November 7, 2023. The stats and information are shocking and disturbing. The hearing is approximately 2.5 hours long. This is a MUST watch. Patience is required for the start of these video hearings.

"Big Tech and the Online Child Sexual Exploitation Crisis"

This is also the "U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary", questioning 5 Big Tech CEOs, which was held on January 31, 2024. It is almost 5 hours long, and is the best 5 hours of screen time I have ever watched in my life.

Democrats and Republicans agreeing on the same thing. Almost unheard of --- LOL.

Patience is required for the start of these video hearings.

"Smartphones vs Smart Kids" 

Jonathan Haidt is also the author of the book "The Anxious Generation".

This YouTube video is approximately 1 hour long.

More Information and Links


Statistics Canada - Online Harms Faced by Youth Click Here


CPAC - Social Media Harms in the video archives Click Here


United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary Click Here


"Tigers, Tumbleweeds, and Trauma - Stories from a free range, almost feral childhood" - Book authored by Frank Ritcey. For a good laugh, you should check out this book. I can picture everything this guy talks about. Note: I don't know the author, the book was a gift from a friend 

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