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The Global Movement has started and has been joined by many countries around the world. Parents, grandparents, and guardians are extremely concerned about the mental and physical health crisis affecting CHILDREN world wide these days. Many social media platform algorithms are designed to keep people coming back for more, especially CHILDREN

    Smartphone Free Childhood was started in the UK by parents who created a WhatsApp group in an effort to at least get smartphones out of their schools. In a very, very short period of time they were inundated by parents from all over the world who were looking for the same. In approximately 3 months it grew to an unprecedented level .

    On May 2nd 2024, they held a webinar (ZOOM call) of which I personally was a part of. After the Webinar, they sent the emails of all the Canadians to all the Canadians, and the emails of all the other countries to the other countries who participated in the webinar. The other Canadians have started a WhatsApp group, but because I am smartphone free, this webpage is my contribution to the MOVEMENT. If you agree or disagree, your contribution will be greatly appreciated.


My name is Wade and I live in small town Central Alberta. I grew up on a grain farm in Nowhere, Saskatchewan. Left home at sixteen and got into the welding trade. I had nothing but a 1966 Meteor Rideau 500 (a 4-door family car), a couple of tools, a welding helmet, and no money.

    I am now 65, married, 2 children, 3 grandchildren, and have been in the trades for almost 50 years. Everything my wife and I currently have in our life is a direct result of hard work. I could not be prouder of our children, they are standing “firmly” on their own 2 feet, as well as carrying everything life has to throw at them, and they are doing a mighty fine job of that.

    They are also the parents of our 3 grandchildren, 6 years, 4 years, and 9 months. The parents of these 3 grandchildren are doing an excellent job of raising these children. I am not concerned about how these 3 children will grow up, as their parents are all “solid”.

    I am concerned about the world ALL children are growing in to. After hearing over and over again about the mental health crisis affecting Canadian children, and the addiction crisis in this country today, I got to the point where I thought “we all must know that 90 per cent of the mental health crisis is due to many social media platforms”. Let’s face it, the algorithms used by many social media platforms keep people coming back, over and over, not just children, and IT IS an addiction. If children were allowed to have a chemically addictive drug in their pocket, and nobody was doing anything about it, there would be an unprecedented level of outrage and disgust.

    Now, with the advent of Generative AI, the world these children are growing in to will be even more damaging for them in multiple ways. I have tried Generative AI, and have indisputable proof--- I asked the EXACT same question (same words, spelling, capitalization, punctuation) to two of the leading Generative AI competitors, and received two EXACT opposite answers. How would a child know what is true and what is false? Also 3 times in one week, it gave me the wrong information, as I already knew the correct information.
    A few months back, I purchased a special edition of Time magazine, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, and the only reason I believe some of the articles is because there is not a single advertisement in the whole magazine. In 2015, a very wealthy man who started to manufacture electric vehicles years ago, also co-founded, and was heavily invested in one of the first Generative AI companies. He left the board of this company in 2018, calling it QUOTE : “a profit maximizing demon from hell”. This guy is no slouch, and has been around the block a time or two when it comes to making money, however, obviously he has some morals, which is almost unheard of these days when it comes to making money.
    I would like to thank my wife for letting our grandchildren look after her, while our daughter has helped me with this website. I am smartphone free, somewhat technologically impaired, and without them, this would not have happened. All the costs for doing all the things at this point has come directly out of my own pocket, and I am not looking for other people’s money. These words are mine.
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